Thursday, September 25, 2008

With all due respect...

I must correct an error that I am beginning to see more and more frequently. Two recent infractions come to mind - one in written correspondence from a Town of Bluffton staff member and one in a recent post to the Bluffton Today blogs. A BT blogger recently wrote, "With all do respect...." The correct wording is "with all due respect." "Do respect" makes no sense. I believe this common mistake is due to aural interpretation without really giving the words any thought. This type of misunderstanding is common in other expressions, to which we may give some thought at a later date. American Heritage Dictionary offers one definition of "due" as "In accord with right, convention, or courtesy; appropriate: due esteem; all due respect." Doesn't that make more sense now?


Mad Hatter said...

If you want to be a part of something bigger... several ex-BT bloggers are now part of the Blog Jam. Let me know if you're interested.

WileyCoyote said...

Thank you thank you thank you!

I say that because I know from experience that your task is fruitless and thankless. I have asked people to change their signs with the "it's" misspelled and/or misused in context. I and my buddy OW have struggled to explain grammar and context and misspellings only to be told that we are being picky and rude. So good luck and God bless...

PS Welcome to the Blogjam!!! Ah shall try to restrain mahself from caling it a 'liberry' or 'sherbert'. ;->

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the LCBJ! BT blogs are so yesterday!

WileyCoyote said...

PS I once sent a district school manual back to them, with all of the misspellings, misused grammar, and dangling participles underlined in red. On 26 pages there were 36 corrections. I gave them a "C". They did not appreciate it. But if you want to know why these things happen, look no further than your local 'school districk'. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)